
President's Message
Season's Greetings to all our readers and supporters.
The world is but one nation and its citizens one people.
I am very pleased with the outcome of Paris COP21 Climate Conference. Almost all nations around the planet are represented one way or another. Many nations' top leadership attended the Conference. It
is so important to have such dialogue in order to save our planet that we share and live in. Pollution of the planet of one kind or another including wars, affect everyone of us no matter where you
It is through genuine dialogue like this in future that we are going to save the planet, our world and our people.
Australia and many other nations have very successful multicultural, multiracial, multi-religious national policies that allow peoples of different cultures, ethnic and racial origins,
religions etc to live in genuine harmony. All these need to be implemented properly and secured and protected by civilised laws.
It will never be achieved if human beings try to solve the differences through the use of force and see who can kill the other first to gain the upper hand.
United Nations and leadership of the world should really look at the root causes of all the conflicts around the world at present and try to solve them through face to face dialogue and the rule of
Who do not wish to live their lives among families, friends and fellow citizens in happiness, peace and harmony?
It is not the problem of money. It is the mindset that counts. It is the civilised education, behaviour and adhere to rule of laws that count. It is also mutual respect of differences and
sit down and discuss them that will eventually give everyone a solution for living in happiness, peace and harmony.
I hope these are food for thought for Christmas and New Year 2016
May I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers for their contributions and support throughout the year.
May I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe, peaceful and harmonious New Year 2016.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
人类文明和政治治理在人类历史发展中经过了漫长的道路。但是,人类和他们的 社会仍然对如何和睦共处、共享安全和繁荣的理念“挣扎拼搏”。许多国家在21世纪奠定了良好治国的基础并建立了我们可以自豪地公认为先进文明社会的政府,我认为澳大利亚是其中之一的国家。
澳大利亚除了其约3% 的公民是可以自称为原住民外,是由许多移民组成的,他们来自世界各地180个以上的民族。
China V-Day Parade 2015
据新华网北京7月20日电:7月20日,马英九当选中国国民主席。当晚,中共中央总书记习近平向马英九主席发出贺电。习近平在贺电中表示:“值此 先生当选中国国民党主席之际,我谨表祝贺。当前,两岸关系站在新的起点上,面临重要机遇。贵我两党实当顺应世界发展之大势、两岸同胞福祉之大义,登高望
远,深化互信,良性互动,继续推动两岸关系全面发展,拓宽两岸关系和平发展道路,俾使两岸关系不断前行,共同为两岸同胞之幸福、中华民族之复兴而携手努 力。”
另据新华社消息报道,同日,中国国民党主席马英九复电,向习近平表示感谢。马英九在复电中表示:“贺电敬悉,谨致谢忱。1992年,海峡两 岸达成各自以口头声明方式表达坚持一个中国原则的共识。本党自五年前在台湾重返执政伊始,相关部门立即在此项九二共识的基础上,恢复两岸中断近十年的和解
与合作,迄今已签署19项协议。双方关系的大幅改善,对促进两岸和平与繁荣,提升两岸人民福祉,贡献甚大。两岸人民同属中华民族,都是炎黄子孙,希望贵我 两党在现有基础上,继续扩大与深化两岸的交流合作,以进一步发扬中华文化,复兴中华民族,促进两岸永续的和平与繁荣。”
Editor's note:
We are very happy to see how PRC and ROC have been able to work together in peace and shared prosperity and security for the commongood of all Chinese peoples.
Best wishes to both the Governments of PRC and ROC.
Dr. Ka Sing Chua
From the Editor
It has been a hectic busy 6 months. As we are all volunteers and due to some unforeseen circumstances, we have to combine the January and May issue of our Emagazine. We have finally put them together with the help of Dr Yit Seng Yow my co-editor, James Yin, our web-master, Matthew , our cover designer and
many other contributors. Keep your articles coming and next issue is scheduled to be published in September.
Happy readings.
I wish to inform you that we have started to collect great achievers of Chinese descent around the globe. These achievers must have life long contribution to humanity in their respective fields.
Their stories will be published on our website. I welcome anyone who knows of such great achievers, please send them to contact@www.huarenworldnet.org or kchua@www.huarenworldnet.org . Currently we have the stories of Professor Da
Hsuan Feng and Professor See Leang Chin appeared under Chinese Communities: Distinguished Achievers.
Best regards
Dr. Ka Sing Chua
Dear Kasing,
This edition of the Huaren magazine is by far the best of any production I have seen globally.
Obviously, the standard of the magazine, as judged by the caliber of the authors and the content, is sophisticated and intellectual, has jumped leaps and bounds.
Please accept my personal congratulations to a publication, now in the leading edge of the Chinese Diaspora. Keep the standard up and keep it coming.
Congratulations, once again and well done.
Dr Anthony Pun,
National President
Cbinese Community Council of Australia.l
Is America Ready for China as an 'Equal Brother?'
Grievance Debate - Chinese Acknowledgement
Chris Hayes MP – Adjournment – Multiculturalism 25 June 2013
Special Message for this special Occasion
Learn the historical lessons from World War I and II
Dear President of USA, Mr Obama, Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Abbott and other World leaders
Australia can be a peace maker and we can do it well. We must not blindly follow the USA. She is our friend and strong ally but she can also make serious mistake as in Korea and Indochina etc.
This is twenty first century civilised world. No time for war games anymore. Dialogue, dialogue and dialogue is the way to go until we find a peaceful solution. A third world war and nuclear war we
all must avoid. History showed us that there were never winners in wars but only losers. We all who have been in wars were all losers so do not think you can be a winner and do not glorify any past
wars as there is no such war. Humanity all suffered in wars one way or another.
I trust that you all govern for your people and humanity. I challenge any government to have a proper independent referendum before they go to war and see if they have a mandate at all.
No civilised people will vote for a war.
With my best wishes
Dr Ka Sing Chua
World Huaren Federation
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Subject: Re: Nuclear war our likely future': Russia & China won't accept US hegemony, Reagan official warns
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 13:00:39 +0800
Dear President Obama,
Would you like to comment, please?
Eddie Tang.
Nuclear war our likely future': Russia & China won't accept US hegemony, Reagan official warns
Published time: May 13, 2015 10:13
Edited time: May 15, 2015 07:08
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Reuters / David Gray
Reuters / David Gray
China, Military, Nuclear, Politics, Russia,USA
The White House is determined to block the rise of the key nuclear-armed nations, Russia and China, neither of whom will join the "world’s acceptance of Washington’s hegemony," says head of the
Institute for Political Economy, Paul Craig Roberts.
The former US assistant secretary of the Treasury for economic policy, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, has written on his blog that Beijing is currently "confronted with the Pivot to Asia and the construction
of new US naval and air bases to ensure Washington’s control of the South China Sea, now defined as an area of American National Interests."
Roberts writes that Washington’s commitment to contain Russia is the reason “for the crisis that Washington has created in Ukraine and for its use as anti-Russian propaganda.”
Read morehttp://cdn.rt.com/files/news/3f/01/d0/00/military-patrols-china-islands.n.jpgUS mulls sending military ships, aircraft near South China Sea disputed islands – report
The author of several books, "How America Was Lost" among the latest titles, says that US"aggression and blatant propaganda have convinced Russia and China that Washington intends war, and this
realization has drawn the two countries into a strategic alliance."
Dr Roberts believes that neither Russia, nor China will meanwhile accept the so-called"vassalage status accepted by the UK, Germany, France and the rest of Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia."
According to the political analyst, the "price of world peace is the world’s acceptance of Washington’s hegemony."
"On the foreign policy front, the hubris and arrogance of America’s self-image as the 'exceptional, indispensable' country with hegemonic rights over other countries means that the world is primed
for war," Roberts writes.
He gives a gloomy political forecast in his column saying that "unless the dollar and with it US power collapses or Europe finds the courage to break with Washington and to pursue an independent
foreign policy, saying good-bye to NATO, nuclear war is our likely future."
Russia’s far-reaching May 9 Victory Day celebration was meanwhile a "historical turning point,"according to Roberts who says that while Western politicians chose to boycott the 70th anniversary of
the defeat of Nazi Germany, "the Chinese were there in their place," China's president sitting next to President Putin during the military parade on Red Square in Moscow.
A recent poll targeting over 3,000 people in France, Germany and the UK has recently revealed that as little as 13 percent of Europeans think the Soviet Army played the leading role in liberating
Europe from Nazism during WW2. The majority of respondents – 43 percent – said the US Army played the main role in liberating Europe.
"Russian casualties compared to the combined casualties of the US, UK, and France make it completely clear that it was Russia that defeated Hitler," Roberts points out, adding that "in the Orwellian
West, the latest rewriting of history leaves out of the story the Red Army’s destruction of the Wehrmacht."
Read morehttp://img.rt.com/files/news/3d/f3/90/00/war.n.jpgPerverted history: Europeans think US army liberated continent during WW2
The head of the presidential administration, Sergey Ivanov, told RT earlier this month that attempts to diminish the role played by Russia in defeating Nazi Germany through rewriting history by some
Western countries are part of the ongoing campaign to isolate and alienate Russia.
Dr Roberts has also stated in his column that while the US president only mentioned US forces in his remarks on the 70th anniversary of the victory, President Putin in contrast"expressed gratitude to
'the peoples of Great Britain, France and the United States of America for their contribution to the victory.'"
The political analyst notes that America along with its allies "do not hear when Russia says 'don’t push us this hard, we are not your enemy. We want to be your partners.'"
While Moscow and Beijing have "finally realized that their choice is vassalage or war," Washington"made the mistake that could be fateful for humanity," according to Dr Roberts.
Memo to Obama: Learn lessons of Korean War to avoid showdown with China
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Published time: June 01, 2015 15:11
A P-8A Poseidon surveillance plane (Reuters / U.S. Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel J. Meshel / Handout)
A P-8A Poseidon surveillance plane (Reuters / U.S. Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel J. Meshel / Handout)
China, History, Military, Navy, North Korea, Nuclear, Obama, Politics, Russia,USA, War
The Obama administration would do well to apply lessons from the Korean War 55 years ago if it wants to avert a new war with China, which is growing increasingly wary of the US military’s presence in
the region.
Tensions between the US and China have been severely exacerbated in recent days by repeated flights by US military aircraft near the Chinese-controlled artificial islets being built with land from
the sea bottom in the South China Sea’s Spratly Islands.
The US military - under the pretext of defending 'freedom of navigation' in the sea - plans to conduct flyovers above the territorial 12-mile limits around the islets. This is reckless almost beyond
words and may easily escalate into a military conflict between the two nuclear-armed powers. The Chinese government has lodged an official protest against flights near the islands, and the Chinese
government newspaper, the Global Times, stated in an editorial: “If the United States’ bottom line is that China has to halt its activities, then a US-China war is inevitable in the South China
Read morehttp://cdn.rt.com/files/news/40/65/d0/00/spratly-islands.n.jpgBeijing rejects US criticism over construction in South China Sea
The official US explanation for military activity around the islets, which is 'freedom of navigation,’ simply lacks credibility. These tiny pieces of real estate, and their 12-mile limits, can in no
way impede the free movement of ships in the South China Sea. Claims have also been made, without any substantive evidence, that China may use the islets for extensive military purposes. Whether
correct or not, the claim that this would justify military intrusions into Chinese-built islets seems strange coming from the Obama administration and military, which have recently established a
whole slew of new military agreements, military bases, and deployed new military equipment all around China in its' Asian neighbor countries.
The real explanation for the US military intrusions around the islets is quite different. It is part of a long-term campaign to encircle and isolate China for the purpose of intimidating, weakening,
and possibly even destabilizing China to the point where the independent government is replaced by a client state of the US. This campaign is officially referred to as the US 'Pivot to Asia' and is
made up of military, economic, and informational elements aimed at isolating and weakening China.
The military element of the encirclement campaign is officially called the 'Air-Sea Battle-Plan', which involves the transfer of up to 60 percent of US military forces - equipped with the latest
military equipment - into the Asian theater. The plan also involves creating new US military agreements and new US military bases for American forces in countries around China, including Australia,
the Philippines, South Korea and Japan.
Read morehttp://cdn.rt.com/files/news/3f/f6/50/00/china-military-defense-lighthouses1.n.jpgDefense to offense: China unveils new military strategy to boost naval capability
The economic element of the encirclement campaign is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP.) The TPP is a US-proposed treaty - currently the subject of negotiations between Australia, Brunei, Canada,
Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam - intended to impose regulatory and investment conditions in Asia. More importantly, it would exclude China
from the new economic zone.
The informational element of the encirclement campaign consists of accusations by US political figures, which are endlessly repeated in the US mass media, claiming there is a 'China threat.' This
assertion stands reality on its head. After all, the US has approximately 650 military bases around the world and is waging continual wars; China has no military bases in foreign countries and has
waged no wars in the last 30 years.
These military, economic, and informational attempts to encircle China reflect US foreign policy concepts are known as 'the Brezinski Doctrine' and "the Wolfowitz Doctrine,' which basically state
that for the US government to remain the dominant power on Earth it must secure total dominance of the Eurasian continent, upon which the independent nations of Russia and China occupy central
Following these doctrines, while continuing to attempt to encircle China, and ignoring China's current warnings regarding US military activity around or over its' islets, is dangerous to say the
least. It seems we’ve been here before. Sixty-five years ago, during the Korean War, China similarly warned that US-led military forces must not occupy its neighbor, North Korea, nor bring its
military forces near the North Korea-Chinese border. Despite some alternate views, the consensus among most US policy makers at that time was that China's' warnings were a mere bluff, and that it
would not intervene in the Korean War as the US-led forces moved to occupy North Korea. In fact, China's warnings were an attempt to avoid a military confrontation with the US military.
When the warnings were ignored, and US-led forces occupied most of North Korea and approached the Chinese border, Chinese military forces massively intervened, driving the US-led forces completely
out of North Korea and back into South Korea, where they remain to this day. The result of the US miscalculation was the deaths of large numbers of Chinese, US, and Korean soldiers and civilians as
the American forces were driven out of North Korea.
Like its warnings during the Korean War, China's warnings that some sort of conflict may result from US military intrusions on or near its islet territory should be taken very seriously. Imagine that
the US government was building small artificial islets in the ocean off the coast of California, and that China began moving military aircraft and military vessels into the areas around these islets,
while insisting that the US had no right to build these islets.
In that scenario, as well as in the current one, there would be a real danger that by miscalculation, accident, or intention by one side or the other a military conflict leading to war with
devastating consequences might be triggered.
Hopefully, US policy makers will take China’s warnings seriously, draw back from the encirclement campaign against the country and learn from the disastrous lesson of the Korean War. In that way, we
could avoid repeating history while sparing the world yet another terrible war.
Eric Sommer for RT
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
UN declares China to be 2014 Best Country in the World
Dear all
While we congratulate China's achievement, China Government must not be too complacent as there are still a lot of work to be done for her disadvantaged citizens.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Dear all
Please watch the following youtube then you know why we cannot forget the Nazi Japanese's atrocities during the WW2, inflicted on Chinese, the Korean and other people including Australians.
The so-called civilised modern Japanese Government must officially repent on behalf of Japanese people and pay appropriate compensation in money and kind to all surviving war victims and families
like modern Germany did. We can then forgive Japan and respect the true moral courage of modern Japanese people. Until then we must keep reminding their people of this cruel history of the
Japanese past.
Dear all
Japanese W11 Atrocity is still fresh in our mind. Less we forget.
The current Japanese Prime Minister Abe is not "an exemplary International Citizen" no matter how much Tony Abbott wishes to curry favour with him. He should at least take note of what Malcolm
Fraser, Bob Hawke and John Howard's opinion. He should go back to learn the history of Japanese's atrocity during W11 including treatments received by Australian POW in Sandakan etc.
Tony Abbott should also join international friends of Japan including many Japanese citizens, telling Abe to follow the real " exemplary international citizen" i.e. German President
HE Angela Merkel.
Japan should return the "disputed islands Senkaku or Diaoyu islands" back to China as promised after their surrender in 1945 and pay lots of compensation to China and other affected countries. Then
the current conflict will be resolved immediately. The American President Obama should advice Japan to do likewise. We do not need an arm race in the Asia Pacific region. We certainly do not need a
war to resolve the current conflict which is being blown out of proportion by Abe.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Why I support 80-20 and why you should, too!
Alice S. Huang
"After living in this country for more than 90% of my life, I am still asked questions like, where are you from? and receive comments on how good my English is! Caucasian minority
immigrants in the U.S., once they lose their accents, can pass as White Americans; but we Asian American immigrants will not be able to easily blend into this country's majority population. Despite
our educational attainments and earnings, both of which are higher than the average American's, we stand out and can easily become targets of racial harassment or discrimination. To avoid this we
need to whole-heartedly participate and contribute in every aspect of American society to the extent that we become indispensable and gain enough influence and power in the economic, military, and
political realms to protect ourselves.
This is because racial bias, and worse prejudice, is alive and well in the United States. On top of that the populace is prone to hysteria and fear of those who appear to be different. U.S. history
is full of examples of racial laws passed by Congress to prevent Blacks, Chinese, or Mexicans from exercising their full civil rights. The internment of Japanese during the Second World War and their
loss of homes and property stand out as examples of what can happen due to mass hysteria. Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1968 and declaration of the unconstitutionality of the
Anti-Miscegenation laws in 1967, these rights are not always fully enforced. More recently, after 9/11, besides the continued debates in the U.S. about limiting immigration, there were even questions
concerning the rights of naturalized citizens and whether they could be jailed or deported without trial.
As Asian Americans most of us are still focused on our individual families and remain comfortable in the protective social niches that are isolated from mainstream America. Look around us. We cannot
ignore that: (1) our children, who volunteered to join the armed forces to fight for the U.S., are often harassed to the extent that they have resorted to suicide as the only way to escape their
tormentors; (2) our children's racial profile rather than their capabilities determines their entrance into the college of their choice; (3) we are too slowly entering the power structure of
professions compared with those of us who fully qualify due to our training and capabilities; and (4) increasingly there is open resentment of recent wealthy Chinese immigrants who purchase desirable
real estate or have the poor taste to build "McMansions".
Although we all hope that our and our progeny's contributions will be gradually recognized and rewarded, we cannot totally ignore the possibility of a sudden reversal of fortune for Asian Americans.
Such a reversal could easily happen if the relationship between the governments of the United States and any one of the Asian countries increase in animosity or distrust leading to open warfare. As a
group we should accept that self-promotion is an acceptable behavior in successful democracies. That is where 80-20 becomes so important. Unlike other Asian American associations and societies,
it is not focused on just educational and cultural exchange. It promotes Asian Americans through political action as its primary goal and secondarily to prevent the stereotyping and denigration of
Asian Americans through tasteless venues such as entertainment and in a variety of other circumstances.
Why is 80-20 trying so hard to raise financial support? Only with a strong and sustained financial base will we be able to attract a professional staff dedicated to educate and involve Asian
Americans of all ages in the democratic political process and provide the tools for self-interested activism. We need to forge a strong coalition with other Asian American organizations so that by
strength in numbers we can increase our political influence. Staff is needed to engage in wide surveillance of activities that prevent the advancement of Asian Americans, make these activities known,
and solicit and coordinate appropriate action to counter these activities. This is the right time for 80-20 to succeed, and if does not, it will be because we are still too provincial to see
the opportunity we have to provide future security for ourselves and our children.
For all the above reasons, I have directed my main philanthropic efforts recently to 80-20, hoping that a strong financial base in its educational arm will bring together more like-minded Asian
Americans who are fully aware of racial history and the unpredictable nature of human society. Gradually, through political and civic education, my hope is that 80-20 as a political action committee
will be able to gain strength and influence to fight for justice and fairness for ALL Asian Americans and at the same time educate a cadre of Asian American leaders who will dedicate themselves to
being selfless public servants and exemplars of what we can offer to this country.
Why does 80-20 need to raise money? Beside what have been mentioned above.
it also needs to forge a strong and lasting coalition with other Asian American organizations. Join us and help us to accomplish all this by donating as generously as you can." (The End)
Bersih 4.0 最新消息!大马史上最大规模大集会 吉隆坡大黄潮 -
*第9意识* 互联网教育新闻网
In response to the following debates.
The Truth - Documentary on DiaoYu Islands by Chris Nebe .
Why Australia is choosing old enemy Japan over China
Access Asialink July 2014 - Don't take China for granted says Ambassador, insights on agribusiness and events in your city
President of 80-20, U.S.A.
WANT TO HELP STRIKE A BLOW to create the “deterrent
effect” that will prevent future derogatory depictions of people of
Chinese descent?
UNITE! Demand that FOX TV FIRE this talking head who on a
public broadcast said:
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national
security of the U.S.,” a talking head on FOX TV said on
7/10. "They have been, they will be and they can
wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just
did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a
bunch of Chinamen -- er, Chinese people -- how to do
computers and then they go back to China and hack
into us."
Click here to hear the racist xenophobic statement, expressed with
such hateful body language and hand gestures. He seems bent on
inciting a race war against Chinese. He had damaged grievously
the psychological, physical and career welfare of Chinese-Ams.
For such a serious offense, an apology is NOT enough.
He must be FIRED.
Clipper's owner Donald Sterling was banned from NBA for life and
forced to sell the team for his racial slur against black in a private
conversation. This talking head called ALL people of Chinese
descent “the single biggest threat to the national security of the US”
and used a “C word” in a public broadcast!
America came down hard on Sterling, as it should. Why is my
country so silent on this talking head, Fox TV and Mr. Murdock??
80-20 shall never quit in this demand. We want this to be
the LAST such statements in major TV channels — establishing
a “deterrent effect”. Otherwise, frequent statements against
people of Chinese descent will occur. Our nation could become
so psychologically conditioned to implicitly and explicitly act
AGAINST the rightful interests of Chinese- and Asian-Americans.
We have a huge amount of tools ready to call this to Fox’s
attention. See Footnote 1.
For now, however, we’ll try REASONING. Please send email to
Roger Ailes, Pres. of Fox News Channel
roger.ailes@foxnews.com and Comments@foxnews.com .
Use your own words or state:
“Subject: Fire Beckel or I’ll boycott Fox
Fire Bob Beckel for the sake of ethnic harmony,
world peace and your own reputation. I'll NEVER
abandon this demand. If you do fire Beckel, I'll
remember and respect you for it. If you don’t,
I’ll help create a boycott of products of Fox
advertizers by Chinese people worldwide.
name, city and sate”
Do it now! This may not work. So start organizing your own
community and friends and get ready for a big and long battle.
Thank you.
China presents an olive leaf to USA
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States need to "plant more flowers, not thorns" in their relationship and Washington needs to have a more objective view about China, state media on Thursday quoted President Xi Jinping as saying ahead of a key meeting.
Xi, speaking to former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson ahead of next week's China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, said he hoped both countries could use such gatherings to keep "injecting
positive energy" into the relationship.
"The two sides should expand common interests, deepen cooperation, plant more flowers, not thorns, clear the interference and avoid suspicion and confrontation," Xi was quoted as saying by the
official China Daily.
China would stick to the path of peaceful development and shoulder its international duties, Xi added.
"We hope the U.S. will objectively view China's basic national conditions as well as its domestic and foreign policies," he said.
China and the United States, as the world's two largest economies, have close trade and business ties and work together on important international issues like North Korea.
But they also have deep differences, over everything from human rights to the value of the Chinese currency.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who will attend the Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing, said on Tuesday the yuan's value was a "very big issue" for the
United States and that the currency needed to appreciate more.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is also attending, and will likely have to address Chinese concerns over what Beijing views as Washington's support for Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines over
their territorial disputes with China.
China's increasingly assertive tone in the disputed East and South China Seas, as well as its rising military expenditure, have rattled nerves in the region and in Washington.
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie)
一篇有血有泪的好文章。孙中山先生曾批评国人是一盆散沙,台湾作家柏杨也痛心疾首地指出中国人一个人是龙,一群人成虫。柏杨君的话虽然有失于偏颇,说的是卻实情。换言之,不少同胞都是"自了汉"(只顾自己,不顾大局者谓之),一般缺乏洋人崇尚而且多有的团队精神( Esprit de corps,意指 feelings of loyalty, enthusiasm, and devotion to a
group among people who are members of the group )。最方便的证据是球类比赛:桌球羽毛球中国运动员曾多次荣获世界冠军;然而一旦要求团队合作的比赛,例如篮球和足球,中国队就肯定场场敬陪末座。谚语有"见微知著"之说,谓"看到微小的苗头,就知道可能会发生显著的变化。比喻小中见大、以小见大"也。
明白这一点,也就能明白为什么一些小国,如越南和菲律宾,对于美俄有时也会礼让几分的中国,在中国南海的主权争端中,居然近乎为所欲为而且占了便宜还卖乖。或问莫非这两国吃了狼心豹胆乎 ?非也! 只系睇穿了中国的二仔底,出大事时中国人未必能举国同仇敌忾,进而一心一德共赴国难,不达目的决不甘休而已!
记得此前国内有超英赶美之说,其立意本来不坏,盖有竞争才有进步,中国如是,美国亦如是也。虽然,前者已经成为事实,不过律以今日所见的国人普遍德性,鄙见认为后者还是以暂时免提为上策。庶几不致蒙受异想天开之讥也 ! 祸哉 !
南京死了30万人,除了是鬼子太残暴,还有就是国人太聪明。要知道去杀30万只猪或狗,一不小心还会弄个工伤事故、感染死亡什么的,难道30万南京人真的是 猪狗不如?一个台湾老兵、南京大屠杀的幸存者回忆那段历史时写道:我们可能永远不懂5个日本鬼子就可以押着2000人去屠杀!2000人,像猪一样任凭5 个人屠杀,多么可怕的事情啊!
虽然那5个日本兵有枪,也有刀,但是那2000人并没有被捆着,完全可以动手反抗。可是他们没有,据某个幸存者口述,他曾经怂恿其他人一起冲上去,可惜回应 他的除了沉默,还是沉默。因为大家都是聪明人,他们明白虽然2000人肯拼命肯定能赢,但是第一个冲上去的肯定会死,所以他们聪明地独善其身,把希望寄托 在有其他人第一个冲上去。
我觉得,我们的教育需要反思,我们的媒体需要反思,所有媒体除了对恐怖分子的谴责就是对逝者的祈福,为什么不反思?我们的男人的血性都去哪儿了?最好的防守 是进攻,以暴制暴!他的目标是砍死你,你跑是跑不掉的!你跑了,被砍死的肯定是跑不动的老弱病残!如果遇到这种事情,每个人都反抗呢?每个男人都拼死反抗 呢?他们还敢几个人就搞个恐怖袭击?
我一时语塞,无言以对。只好说:我国的科学家、哲学家、作家和中医学家都一心忙事业、学雷锋,没工夫赚钱。不但钱学森、竺可桢和袁隆平买不起飞机,就连中国 古代的墨子、张衡、张仲景、祖冲之、孙思邈、毕升、李时珍和近代的冯友兰、鲁迅都买不起。孔子那么伟大,有时连吃饭都成问题。
美国朋友不顾我的感受,仍然趾高气昂:如果一个民族把演艺界明星捧得比天还高,那么它是不堪一击的。记得你们中国有句诗吧?“暖风熏得游人醉,只把杭州当汴 州”!一个连科学家、哲学家、作家和自己的中医事业、文化事业都不重视的国家。即使航母再多,兵力再强,也形同虚设,不堪一击!
Dear Sir / Madam,
The Dragon Foundation is pleased to announce the Dragon 100 (龍匯100) 2014. It will take place from 11-18 October 2014 in Hong Kong and Taiwan, focusing on the theme of “Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation”. We would like to invite you to nominate
participants who are outstanding potential Chinese leaders aged 18-35 with demonstrated leadership skills, an excellent academic record, talent in non-academic areas and a commitment to serve the
community. The closing date for nominations is 31 July 2014.
The annual Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum was initiated by the Dragon Foundation in 2002. Since then it has brought together 100 youth leaders of Chinese origin from around the world every
year. Intended as a platform for sharing views and generating synergy, it provides stimulus for innovation, enthusiasm and commitment.
Entrepreneurship is all about innovation and creativity, which are major characteristics of young people. It is also a way to generate and promote economic growth. Thus entrepreneurship can
be considered both a way of thought and of behaviour, in that it not only requires imagination and passion, but also specific traditional functions such as marketing and finance. The Dragon 100 –
2014 Programme serves as a platform for young entrepreneurs, both established, as well as the up-and-coming, to sit down and openly discuss the challenges and opportunities that face those seeking
this particular pathway.
Programme factsheet and nomination form are enclosed, should you have further queries or require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of The Dragon Foundation,
by telephone: (852) 2811-2779, by fax: (852) 2811-2669 or by e-mail: info@dragonfoundation.net Further information may also be obtained at our website www.dragonfoundation.net
We look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Mabel Woo
Project Manager
The Dragon Foundation
Tel : (852) 2811 2779
Dragon 100 - 2014 (Factsheet)
Dragon 100 Application Guidelines_2014
Dragon Foundation Leaflet (May 2014)
Nomination form_ Dragon 100 2014 [LOCKED]
Dear Prime Minister Abe,
Congratulations to Mr. Stone’s speech which is very accurate therefore deserves respect.
On the contrary, it is very much regrettable that you want to continue to pay your respects to those (14) convicted Class-A war criminals today!
John Lee
New Cross-strait Alliance.
Oliver Stone’s Advice to Japan: Apologize
By Mitsuru Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
U.S. film director Oliver Stone speaks before press in Tokyo on August 12.
Film director Oliver Stone, who is no stranger to controversy, turned from his sharp attacks on the U.S. for the atomic bombings of Japan to criticize his hosts over their attitude to China and
other Asian neighbors.
In a speech to foreign correspondents in Tokyo, Mr. Stone said that Japan needs to more completely apologize for its wartime acts, and said it should also resist a shift to relying on military might to deal with security
challenges posed by its neighbors such as China and North Korea.
Japan’s leaders have expressed “deep remorse” over the physical damage and psychological pain the country has inflicted on other Asian countries, but repeated visits by cabinet ministers to a controversial war shrine in Tokyo and
growing talk of revising the nation’s peace
constitution have made other countries skeptical about the intention of these remarks.
He said that if Japan came out with a more forthright apology “that would make front-page headlines everywhere in the world.”
He added that Japan, which is locked in a territorial dispute with China over a small group of islands, should look more broadly at ties between the two countries.
“Don’t look at China as your enemy. Start seeing it differently. Start by apologizing to China for what you did in China and all the people you killed there,” Mr. Stone said. “Japan’s
interest in the long-term could very much lie with China.”
Mr. Stone described Japan’s face-off with China over disputed territories in the East China Sea as like “some kid who goes out there and picks fights and then has got his big brother behind him to
go clean up after him,” referring to the United States’ security obligations to Japan.
He argued that Japan should show leadership in resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner. “We want to see Japan playing a leading role in making this a more peaceful world by resolving the
conflicts in the Pacific in a way that shows the vision of Japan,” he said. “Japan has a peace constitution and a commitment to nuclear non-resolution.”
Mr. Stone’s view is formed by his skepticism of power and his belief in political checks and balances. He went as far as to praise China for not handing over American national security leaker
Edward Snowden to the United States. “I’m glad that China didn’t arrest him. At
least China had the guts to stand up (to the United States) that way.”
The famous director is in Japan to promote his documentary series, “The Untold History of the United States,” which presents an alternative interpretation of the country’s history in the 20th
century, challenging the narrative of America as an “underdog.” The series will be aired by Japan’s national broadcaster NHK.
The documentary includes discussion of the two atomic bombings. Peter Kuznick, professor of history at American University, who worked with Stone in the production of the documentary, said it was
“a learning experience for both of us” to meet with the victims of the bombing, as well as historians and journalists in Japan. The documentary contends that the long-held assertions that the
bombings were necessary to end the war are untrue and that other factors, such as the Soviet Union’s entry into the war against Japan was a strong factor in the country’s surrender.
“The more we see and the more we learn, the more troubling it is for us and the more we realize how important Japan’s coming to grips with its past is for Japan,
but also for the United States and for the rest of the world. Japan and the United States are linked together in this web of deceit in which we both collaborate to tell lies about all of our
history,” he said.
The 2nd Confucius Forum a Big Successful 第二届“孔子论坛”成功举办
The 2nd Confucius Forum on 16 Sept 孔子学院9月16日举办第二届“孔子论坛”
Mike Yang's response on Tuesday to Clive Palmer's China comments
Abe's Article 9 blitz alarms Asia
In Chinese:
In English:
And a companion paper is at:
Zhang Xin China's real estate
100 Million Signatures Campaign for the Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Issue
Chinese Ethical Beliefs
One World, One Dream
China’s 56 Ethnic Groups - Understanding China
The First Emperor The Man Who Made China
'CHINA' : What do you really want . . ???
A civilization state
New Paradigm of 21st Century Higher Education in East Asia : Governance, Accountability , Autonomy and
China Citizens /Different Chinese Ethnic Races
Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011 (24 July - 1 Aug 2011)