Informed debate and discussion is the base of
human civilisation
To most people in the civilised world, the extreme reaction of
some American political leaders of both Republican and Democratic
parties towards the founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange is
astonishing. The reaction of some Australian politicians including
current Prime Minister is no exception. Luckily it did not
translate into political persecution yet. We hope with more and
more informed debate and discussion about the ‘leaks’ that we can
prevent these kinds of reaction towards a citizen who is willing to
share the truth. I believe it is the human’s knee-jerk reaction
when they feel that their ego, safety, welfare and / or power are
being threatens. However some politicians are opportunistic
and try to gain power without thinking of its consequences. It is
however dangerous for a civilised society to allow personal threat
to be publicly aired without proper due process of law, and
intimidate the life of a person who tries to convey the truth.
Misguided person or mentally disturbed under the bad influence of
preachers, can turn into a real terrorist like the blind followers
of some religious and ideological bigots.
Informed debate and discussion help to solve human conflicts. It
is so important that without them, rule of civilised law will fail
and human beings will resort to force to suppress their opponents
or perceived enemies, one way or the other including murders and
American founder of democracy, Thomas Jefferson once said:
“information is the currency of democracy.” Of course, he means
accurate information and the truth; not propaganda and misconstrued
news and events. History has shown that without proper safeguard of
truth i.e. freedom of accurate information and presumption of
innocence until proper rule of law and justice dictate, anyone in
power can misuse their power to suppress their opponents and
One can never be complacent about what a civilised society has
achieved. History showed that under bad influence of a political
leader or leaders, it can turn a civilised society upside down
overnight like the old Germany under Hitler, Iraq, China, Italy,
Russia, Eastern Europe, Japan, and the old Roman Empire etc. All it
takes for evil to triumph in a civilised society if ‘good people’
do nothing and overwhelmed by bad people and regime.
We need an International Court of Justice and a robust and
efficient United Nations to keep an eye on rogue leaders and
nations. Together in keeping an eye for ‘evil’ that we hope ‘good’
will conquer ‘evil’. We hope that we can also help to turn bad
leaders/governments into good leaders/governments and prevent good
leaders/governments from becoming bad leaders/governments. I
believe that we are all human being with a soul and we d not need
to behave like an animal with rule of the jungle. We all have a
soft touch in our heart for doing ‘good’ to other including our
perceived enemies. The reasons why ‘perceived enemies’ are behaving
badly, are usually because they have acted on bad information
and/or emotionally disturbed and misguided by bad propaganda and
On this note, I wish everybody including those ‘bad guy’ and
‘terrorist’ are able to turn over a new leaf in the New Year and
enjoy happy times with their family and friends. May the truth, justice, rule of
civilised laws and peace prevail.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
11 January 2011
Julian Assange 創始人做出強烈的政治反應都感到十分驚訝. 一些澳大利亞政界人士包括現任總理也不例外.
他們試圖不計後果爭取更多政權. 如在這文明社會內,
美國民主始創人Thomas Jefferson
像希特勒統治下的舊德國﹔伊拉克,中 國,意大利,俄羅斯,東歐,日本,和老羅馬帝國等,
如果文明社會的'好人'不站起來去反抗壞政權 便會被邪惡取勝. .
希望能引導壞政府走向和平之路, 保障民生. 人類是萬物之靈, 不像野獸弱肉強食.
Reflection of Editor
Time passes and suddenly before you realise
it, another New Year 2011 is on our doorstep.
This January issue is again full of
information for you to enjoy and read over the New Year. The
Chinese New Year will fall on 3
February 2011 with the welcoming year of Rabbit which
symbolises kindness, generosity and harmony.
On this note I wish to appeal to all readers
wherever you are around the world, to give generously if you can
afford it, to victims of natural disasters; be it in Queensland,
Victoria, Australia, Brazil, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, USA, China
etc. The issue of Climate Change and associated
extreme natural disasters caused by Climate Changes are
current problems we all have to face. I am acknowledging the
contributions of Australia in the Summit at Cancun recently. A lot
still has to be done to make our world and your countries safer to
live in.
In this issue, I am grateful for my
friend and co-editor for writing an excellent Editorial. It
emphasises the importance of good policy from the governments and
the caring governance and measures adopted in times of natural
disasters, citing Australia and China as examples. Thank you Yit
In this issue, we adopted series of Boyer’s
lectures delivered by Professor Glyn Davis AC, Vice-Chancellor and
principal of Melbourne University through the ABC radio
broadcaster of Australia and the Asialinks essays from Melbourne
University. It is an experiment of sharing some of these
knowledge and information with our readers. Let us know if you like
Professor Tim Jackson from UK has some
evolutionary idea of social reform and we would like to share some
of his challenges with you as well.
Professor Da Hsuan Feng from Cheng Kung
University Taiwan again shared some of his far sighted vision with
us. He will soon be leaving that University as his tenure expires
and we wish him well in his future venture.
Dave Wang also did not disappoint us with
another article on Chinese Civilisation and its
Because I am based in Australia, I would like
to take this opportunity to welcome the new Ambassador of PRC, H.E.
Chen Yuming by publishing an article by him. I also take this
opportunity to farewell my friend of 20 years, the Consul-General
of PRC in Melbourne H.E. Shen Weilien who is leaving us in flying
colour as his farewell speech indicated.
We also published the New Year greetings from
President Hu Jintao and President Ma Yingjeou and hope closer
relationship will be fostered in the New Year between PRC and ROC
for the benefit of the Chinese people and the
No country is perfect. Any Government can
learn from their mistakes and accept criticism. Any constructive
criticism must find its way to the ears of our decision makers. We
try to be independent and constructive with no agenda of our own.
We publish articles sent by readers who criticise their own
countries’ folly and we hope that will help their countries to
improve in their governance and good practices. Chinese have a
saying: if you hear criticism, try to change it if it is right;
take it as an encouragement if you are not in the wrong. The role
of an effective United Nations as an independent referee for the
world is so crucial in coming years to maintain order and peace. We
published an article by Secretary-General of United Nations Ban
Ki-Moon to challenge leaders around the world on ways and means of
supporting UN to fulfil its important role.
Finally I wish to thank all our contributors
for sending along the articles. The success of this Emagazine
depends on your articles. We also would like to acknowledge the
contribution of Professor Tim Jackson, Professor Glyn Davis,
ABC broadcaster of Australia, Asialinks of Melbourne
University, and many others for sharing the
knowledge. Much appreciated to all our contributors as we are a
non-profit voluntary organisation running a free website for
I would like to take this opportunity to wish
A Healthy, Happy and Successful New Year and
enjoy the Year of Rabbit.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
21 January
Donate to the flood relief appeal
The Queensland Government has launched an
appeal to help fellow Queenslanders affected by the recent floods.
Many communities have been devastated. Some families have lost
everything. You can help make a difference by donating to the
Premier's Flood Relief Appeal.
Donate online
Make a donation to the Premier’s Disaster relief appeal using a
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Donations can be made at:
- Commonwealth Bank
- Westpac
- Suncorp
- St.George Bank
- Bank SA (Bank of South Australia)
- Australian Central Credit Union
- Savings & Loans Credit Union
- Coles supermarket.
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number, contact your financial institution.
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request, with proof of donation to:
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Cheques should be made payable to:
The Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal
ABN: 69 689 161 916
Cheques should be posted to:
Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal
C/O Department of the Premier and Cabinet
PO Box 15185
City East QLD 4002
Last updated 6
January 2011
Wishing you and your FAMILY a
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Proposal for an Independent Grammar
School teaching bilangual English and Chinese curriclum in a
Western country.
Education plays a very importnt part in charting the progress
and future of a nation and its citizens. Below is an opening
discussion on whether Chinese Australians should set up an
independent School of their own like the Jews and
Michael Toh and Dr Ka Sing Chua
are keen to hear from anyone who is willing to support the
idea of setting up an Independent Grammar School in Australia with
bilingual Autralian curriculum of ENGLISH and Chinese medium
combined. This will suit students in all Western countries
where there is a demand from overseas Chinese communities alone.
Send your proposal and ideas to or
See below the analysis of a scholar on the philosophical
change of China, bringing back the traditional educational system
on developing virtues among its citizenry, homogenous set of values
throughout the hierarchy of the social system . This is the
precisely the tenet upon which the Full Independent School with
‘Chinese Characteristics’ I’m proposing. It is quite enlightening
to know that the entrenched social system in China for over 2000
years cannot be so easily destroyed and hopefully be maintained
into the future with perhaps a revised universal set of moral
values based on humanism.
Michael Toh and Dr Ka Sing Chua
From Communism to Confucianism: China’s
Alternative to Liberal Democracy
President's special message
Prevent War at all cost
Talk to your
‘enemy’ before killing one another
They are your
‘brothers and sisters’ too.
North Korea sounds like a bully. South Korea suffers from
an uncivilized big brother’s bully. Should USA and China get
involved as in 1950-1953 Korean war? Should other countries get
involved as in the cold war period? If another open warfare is
allowed to develop between North and South Korea, it will be
another world tragedy repeating
We have not learned enough from the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan left alone many other regional civil wars in Africa
and Middle East etc? How many more innocent citizens from both
sides have to die before our world leaders learn how to govern in
the rule of law and civilization.
Why is UN so incapable of stopping these wars?
What is our International Court going to do with these war
mongering ‘leaders’? Aren’t these “rogue leaders” suppose to be
warned or face arrest before they even have a chance to launch a
‘war against humanity’? Aren’t they the murderers of another kind?
Any war involved fatality including the ‘soldiers’, is a murderous
act against humanity. This is especially so for those
victims of wars and many innocent children and women who are
usually left to face the consequences of losing their love
In my opinion, these “leaders” are
not just the “North Korean leadership”. They included presidents
and leadership of USA, China, Russia, Japan, France, UK, Germany,
Australia, Israel, Palestine and any other leader who sent
their citizens/soldiers to an open warfare. It is like a
“gangsters’ warfare” in a large scale in defied of the golden rule
of law and civilization of humankind. Please keep dialogue going
till a compromised peaceful solution is reached no matter how long
it will take. Punish only a few 'rogue leaders' after a
peaceful solution has been reached and settled properly. Put 'ego'
aside and bring in UN and International Court to settle 'border
May our humanity and civilisation
Prevent war at all cost.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Best regards Ka Sing Chua
(embargo copy - please release after 12:00pm HK time today)
World Cities Meet in
Hong Kong to take action on Climate Change
Hong Kong, November 5, 2010 (Firday)
– The C40 Hong Kong Workshop
‘Low Carbon Cities for High Quality Living’ convened today at the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre. The C40 climate leadership group is an
association of cities from the developed and the developing world
that are already taking action on climate change. The
Workshop brings cities together from around the C40 network for an
exchange on latest best practises and thinking on low carbon
living. The two key themes of the event are improving energy
efficiency of existing and new buildings and developing and
planning for the uptake of Electric Vehicles. Because cities have a
significant role to play in regulating and managing buildings and
transport, these sectors represent critical opportunities to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate
Buildings alone represent an average of 60%
of total global emissions, and there are more than 20 million
vehicles in just 19 key C40 cities.
The C40 Hong Kong Workshop opening ceremony featured Donald Tsang,
Hong Kong Chief Executive; Mayor David Miller of Toronto, Chair of
the C40; Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York Chair-Elect of the
C40; and Mayor Masondo of Johannesburg and Edward Yau Environment
Minister for Hong Kong. Senior officials and technical staff from
over 33 participating cities are attending in order to present and
learn about some of the latest best practises from across the C40
Many C40 cities have pioneered practises and policies to reduce GHG
emissions and to adapt to global climate change. By holding
workshops such as the one in Hong Kong cities can share best
practices, build networks, identify collaborative projects and
chart future actions to help tackle climate change.
“C40 Cities are already involved in large scale building
retrofitting and energy efficiency projects across the world. This
week’s workshop provides us all an opportunity to learn from each
other, share ideas and accelerate the rate at which we can reduce
GHG emissions”. Said Donald Tsang.
The building and transport sectors are major contributors to
greenhouse gas emissions. By focusing on energy efficiency and
electric vehicles this Hong Kong workshop is providing a crucial
exchange that will help cities continue to lead in the fight
against climate change,” said David Miller Mayor of Toronto, C40
“The leaders of the world’s cities hold
the future of humanity in our hands. It is in the power of
all of us in the C40 to fill that future with promise, not peril,”
said Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of NYC and C40 Chair Elect.
“I am looking forward to spending the next two days with
representatives from across the globe. The C40 has
consistently provided cities such as Johannesburg a global
perspective on best practices to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. This meeting will allow us to consider how we can
take our existing innovative strategies in building efficiency and
transport to the next level,” said Amos Masondo, Mayor of
About C40
The C40 Cities
Climate Leadership Group (C40) is a group of the
world’s largest cities committed to tackling climate change.
The current chair of the C40 is Mayor David Miller of
Toronto; the chair-elect of the C40 is Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
of New York. The C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group is
comprised of the following cities: Addis Ababa, Athens, Bangkok,
Beijing, Berlin, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Caracas, Chicago,
Delhi, Dhaka, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Houston, Istanbul, Jakarta,
Johannesburg, Karachi, Lagos, Lima, London, Los Angeles, Madrid,
Melbourne, Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, New York City, Paris,
Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai,
Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, and Warsaw. The C40 also has 19 affiliate
cities: Amsterdam, Austin, Barcelona, Basel, Changwon, Copenhagen,
Curitiba, Heidelberg, Ho Chi Minh City, Milan, New Orleans,
Portland, Rotterdam, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Santiago de
Chile, Seattle, Stockholm, and Yokohama. The Clinton Climate
Initiative is the delivery partner of C40. The C40 also has
initiatives with Arup, ECOS and the World Bank Institute.
President’s Message會長的話
The Earth we live in.
This issue our cover featured what the Earth we live in can
become so uninhabitable if we have severe natural disaster like
prolonged drought which will then deprive us all of drinkable fresh
water and our vegetation will be abolished. It has been predicted
by some scientists that one day the most precious commodity in this
Earth may be the drinkable water. It may also become the most
sought after commodity. It may become so rare and hard to get that
people may be fighting for it to survive. This reminds me of the
wild prediction of well known scientist Stephen Hawking that one
day our planet may be destroyed by our own human
being’s wanton use of our resources and that we have to move
to another planet to live. Well, it remains a possibility that we
do not know.
However we have some scientific evidence now that if the planet
is allowed to become so warm that significant melting of Antartic
and Artic icebelt may occur. The whole earth may be so
affected by this climate changes that it could be flooded and
buried by rising seawater. The other problem is that with the
testing of atomic and nuclear bombs etc the earth may become so
unstable that massive earthquakes and volcanic eruption
that may cause huge tsunami waves and bury us all, and destroy the
earth we live in. Scary it may sound but we have seen regional
destruction with recent Tsunami wave in Indonesia and surrounding
region and earthquakes and flooding in various part of the world
that killed many of our brothers and sisters and destroyed their
properties etc.
In order to protect our Earth and the planet we live in, it is
better to err on the wrong side by taking some precautionary
measures. The scientists all over the world are looking into this
possibility. There are now evidence that the warming of the Earth
may be due to the massive use of carbon energy with the
process of globalisation and modernisation. If we can reduce our
carbon pollution the Earth, it will not only stay cleaner but
it will hopefully avoid extreme climate changes that can cause
severe drought , earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruption etc.,
which may eventually destroy us all.
Copenhagen Climate Summit has come and gone and we are still
waiting for our wise politicians and governments a round the world
to formulate some strategy to cope with potential climate changes
and pollutions caused by our industralization and massive wanton
use of carbon energy for our modern live styles.
There is still a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. I
believe education is the key to the understanding of this issue and
our decision makers must first learn about the possible
consequences of the carbon pollution that will have on this Earth
we share , breathe and live in.
WE know that no one can escape this problem as we travel round
the world in our cars, planes and ships. We travel around the world
to work and for holidays and pleasure. IT IS EVERYBODY’S
RESPONSIBILITY TO SHARE THIS CONCERN and assists in every way we
can to ensure that our future generation will inherit a healthy
Earth to live in and pass on to the next generation. Let us
all try to protect the environment and the Earth we live in.
References :Australian Academy of Science Report on Climate
Changes 2010
Dr. Ka Sing Chua
這期封面的特別報導是如果我們居住的地球受到嚴重的自然災害如長期的乾旱, 造成飲用水不足和植物耕種的破壞,
讓我想起知名科學家史蒂芬霍金大膽的預測, 有一天地球的資源可能會被人類肆意濫用而不得不前移到另一個星球上居住.
不過,我們有一些科學證據,如果地球繼續暖化,南極和北極的冰層可能融化. 整個地球可能會因此受到這種暖化作用,海水上升,
和世界各地的地震和洪水, 奪去了了我們許多的兄弟姐妹的生命和摧毀了他們的財產.
如果我們能夠減少碳污染,就不僅能保持地球清潔,而且可避免極端氣候變化而導致嚴重的旱災,地震,洪水,火山爆發等災難 ,
這個議題仍有許多爭議, 我相信教育是主要關鍵, 決策者要先瞭解碳污染可能對這個我們賴以生存和我們息息相關
盡可能在各方面努力保護地球環境, 確保我們的下一代能繼續生活在健康的地球上. 讓我們大家努力保護地球環境吧!
參考連結 :-
References :Australian Academy of Science Report on Climate
Changes 2010
We apologies for the delay of the publication of this September
issue of Huaren Emagazine as we hope to capture some vision of
the leaders of both PRC and ROC from their National Days'
Speeches respectively.
We are very pleased to see that lots of cooperation and
exchanges between the two governments and their people have
happened last few short years. We applaud the signing of ECFA
between the two Governments. We at have always advocated
closer cooperation based on the spirit of mutual benefit,
assistance, security and prosperity for their people. Credit must
be given to their respective leadership for achieving this
historical break through. Much work still needs to be done for the
eventual reunification of their country. We urge patient, goodwill
and friendly cooperation in their further dialogue and negotiation
to achieve the long term welfare for the Chinese people inside and
outside China.
Peaceful cooperation with the spirit of give and take with
genuine civilized humanity in mind makes commonsense for a win-win
scenario for all people. This applies to all world citizens and
nations if only their rulers and politicians have the decency and
knowledge to do so. SADLY we still witness wars in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Middle East, Africa etc. These unrest and conflict do
not reflect well on their decision makers and governments involved
in these wars. Sadly it shows that their leaders are not decent
enough and or not well informed and knowledgeable enough to see the
folly of wars inflicted on their people and others. Sadly it
happens to many supposedly “highly educated leaders” who started
the wars. As a civilization, human society still has a long way to
go to abolish wars at some local and global stages.
Nobel Peace prize is as good as its name implies. The Nobel
Committee should have considered giving it, after President Obama,
to China’s President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao for helping
to lift millions out of poverty not just in China but other part of
the world who have benefited from the economic success of China.
They are also very active in promoting regional and global peace
especially initiating peace talk and negotiation with North Korea
and Asia pacific region. This may quicken China's political
reform. We do not believe in jailing peaceful political opponent
like Dr Liu Xiaobo as they could be good for the transformation of
an old society to a new society but to award him with a Nobel Peace
prize may be a bit misguided. China will change for the better
regardless of this event. Criticism outside China especially from
credible western leaders has some merit which should be taken on
board for political reform of China which has been advocated by the
leadership of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao time
and time again. However it needs time to undo the obstacles in
front of them. A better and freer China with civilized rule of law
in their society is their aim and ambition. Hence the promotion of
a harmonious Chinese society is still a key policy for their
political reform. They should therefore learn to be more generous
and tolerant to the intellectual like Dr Liu Xiaobo as those
intellectuals can assist in the peaceful transformation of a freer
and more stable China for the common good of the Chinese
In this issue we featured the vision of Premier WenJiabao and
President Ma Ying Jeou respectively. We also published ideas of
various leaders including former Prime Ministers of Singapore Lee
Kuan Yew and Malaysia Dr Mahathir Mohammed, former PM of Australia
Kevin Rudd etc.
We are really pleased to have so many articles sent to us
covering a variety of issues and topics. We sincerely thank all the
new and old contributors. I would like to particularly welcome my
friends Gim Teh from Melbourne and Michael Toh from Sydney
Australia for their first contribution. I also hope one day I will
be able to catch up personally with all the contributors from
around the world. If you happen to be in Melbourne
Australia, do drop me a line. TO ALL our readers, I hope you will
take time to enjoy reading all the articles in English and
It is a big task to complete this issue. I am indebted to my
guest Editor Dr Yit Seng Yow for not only helping to contribute a
well balanced article “Acclimatizing the Peaceful Rise of China”,
he also helped me to put the whole magazine together. Again, our
gratitude also goes to Matthew Lee for designing the Cover. A theme
which I stressed in my President Message that we all should learn
to protect our environment, the mother Earth and the planet we
share and live in.
Last but not least, I would like to thank our voluntary
hard working webmaster James Yin for chipping in all the year round
updating our website and our sponsor
Finally to all our contacts around the world, who keep sending
us information on various Huaren activities and articles which we
can share with you. We would like to hear from every corner
of the world where Huaren reside. Please send us any credible
Huaren community websites so that we can link them all up at We are an independent, non-profit voluntary global
networking organization website with an independent Mission for all
Huaren. We welcome your suggestion and support in order to be able
to do more for you as an information exchange website for
Happy reading
Dr Ka Sing Chua
WHF Mission Statement
To ensure that Huaren are treated with dignity wherever they
are, by promoting the well-beings of all peoples, and by
cultivating in Huaren and non-Huaren the spirit of living together
as communities of equal citizens.
- To serve as a forum for Huaren around the world to discuss
issues which concern them and address those concerns where
- To foster understanding and relationships among Huaren and
- To promote civil societies based on the rule of law, democracy,
liberty, universal values, human rights, and fair and equal access
to resources.
- To foster the development of a non-partisan national, regional
and international network to support and promote a worldwide peace
movement committed to transparent and accountable governance.
- To promote the culture of peace through non-discriminatory
multicultural policies based on mutual respect, tolerance, the
sharing of resources/information and the elimination of poverty
through sustainable development.
- To encourage and support Huaren in their fair and active
participation in the political, educational, social, cultural and
economic processes of their respective countries.
- To form strategic alliances with Huaren and non-Huaren
organisations worldwide with common aims and objectives.
*** Huaren are people of Chinese origin by birth, descent and
heritage inside and outside China.***
100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2011 (24 July - 1 Aug 2011)
Statement; Disarmament, at last

Chinese Lunar New
The Chinese New Year is celebrated at the second
new moon after the winter solstice and falls between 21 January and 19 February on the Gregorian calendar. The
year 2011 translates to the Chinese year 4708-4709.
Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in
the Chinese calendar.
Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the
new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of
the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at
night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a
The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar
movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch
up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once
every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the
same as adding an extra day on leap year. The years are arranged in
major cycles of 60 years. This is why, according to the solar
calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family
affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was
traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honour
of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family
The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals,
united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed
relatives are remembered with great respect because they were
responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of
the family.
The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year's Eve
with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The
spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the
onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast
called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity
and honours the past and present generations.
During Chinese New Year celebrations, people wear red clothes; give
children 'lucky money' in red envelopes and set off firecrackers.
Red symbolizes fire, which the Chinese believe drives away bad
luck. Family members gather at each other's homes for extravagant
The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New
The first day of the Lunar New Year is "the
welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth." Many people
abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is
believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.
On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as
to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as
it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all
The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect
to their parents-in-law.
The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to
welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on
the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.
On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and
friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good
fortune and health.
The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display
their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of
vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also
considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to
promote longevity and raw fish for success.
On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion
dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of
The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.
The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives
should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th
day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi
sum) to cleanse the system.
The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern
Festival which is to be held on the 15th night. Chinese New Year
ends with the lantern festival, where people hang decorated
lanterns in temples and carry lanterns to an evening parade under
the light of the full moon. The highlight of the lantern festival
is often the dragon dance. The dragon can stretch over 30 meters
long and is typically made of silk, paper and bamboo.
Traditional New Year Foods
Probably more food is consumed during the New
Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of
traditional food are prepared for family and friends, as well as
those close to us who have die.
On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish
called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root
vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various
superstitious aspects to them:
- Lotus seed - signify having many male offspring
- Ginkgo nut - represents silver ingots
- Black moss seaweed - is a homonym for exceeding in wealth
- Dried bean curd is another homonym for fulfilment of wealth and
- Bamboo shoots - is a term which sounds like "wishing that
everything would be well"
- Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and
unlucky for New Year as the colour signifies death and
Other foods include a whole fish, to represent
togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. The
chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize
completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long
In south China, the favourite and most typical
dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice pudding and zong
zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed leaves), another popular
In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and
small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount
of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and
wealth for the household.
Chinese New Year Decorations
Prior to New Year's Day, Chinese families
decorate their living rooms with vases of pretty blossoms, platters
of oranges and tangerines and a candy tray with eight varieties of
dried sweet fruit. On walls and doors are poetic couplets, happy
wishes written on red paper. These messages sound better than the
typical fortune cookie messages. For instance, "May you enjoy continuous good health"
and "May the Star of Happiness,
the Star of Wealth and the Star of Longevity shine on you" are
especially positive couplets.
Plants and Flowers
Every traditional Chinese household should also have live blooming
plants to symbolize rebirth and new growth. Flowers are believed to
be symbolic of wealth and high positions in one's career. Lucky is
the home with a plant that blooms on New Year's Day, for that
foretells a year of prosperity. In more elaborate settings, plum
blossoms just starting to bloom are arranged with bamboo and pine
sprigs, the grouping symbolizing friends & harmony; the plum
blossom also signifies reliability and perseverance; the bamboo is
known for its compatibility, its utility and its flexible stems for
furniture and other articles; the evergreen pine evokes longevity
and steadiness. Other highly prized flowers are the pussy willow,
azalea, peony and water lily or narcissus.
The Chinese firmly believe that without flowers, there would be no
formation of any fruits. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance
to have flowers and floral decorations.
They are the emblems of reawakening of nature; they are also
intimately connected with superstition and with the wish for
happiness during the ensuing year.
Oranges and Tangerines
Etiquette dictates that you must bring a bag of oranges and
tangerines and enclose a lai see when visiting family or friends
anytime during the two-week long Chinese New Year celebration.
Tangerines with leaves intact assure that one's relationship with
the other remains secure. For newlyweds, this represents the
branching of the couple into a family with many children. Oranges
and tangerines are symbols for abundant happiness.
Candy Tray
The candy tray arranged in either a circle or octagon is called
"The Tray of Togetherness" and has a dazzling array of candy to
start the New Year sweetly. After taking several pieces of candy
from the tray, adults places a red envelope (lai see) on the centre
compartment of the tray. Each item represents some kind of good
- Candied melon - growth and good health
- Red melon seed - dyed red to symbolize joy, happiness, truth
and sincerity
- Lychee nut - strong family relationships
- Cumquat - prosperity (gold)
- Coconut - togetherness
- Peanuts - long life
- Longan - many good sons
- Lotus seed - many children
Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese lunar calendar is arranged in major
cycles of 60 years; and minor cycle of 12 years. Each successive
year is named after one of 12 animals, and these 12-year cycles are
continuously repeated.
There are different versions of the story behind the development of
the Chinese zodiac, but all the versions are based around a race
called by an Emperor to determine the animals to be
The cunning Rat hitched a ride on the back of the Ox and crossed
the winning line first. The Rat was followed (in order) by Ox
(Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram (Goat,
Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Boar).
According to the Chinese zodiac, you take on the characteristics of
the animal associated with the year of your birth, but those
characteristics are also influenced by what time of day you're
born, what fixed element you belong to (water, metal, wood, fire,
earth), as well as the influence of Yin and Yang.
The Chinese zodiac
for the next 12 years is:
2010 – Tiger
2011 – Rabbit
2012 – Dragon
2013 – Snake
2014 – Horse
2015 - Sheep (Goat)
2016 – Monkey
2017 – Rooster
2018 – Dog
2019 – Pig
2020 – Rat
2021 - Ox
Help for Haiti
Eddie --
On Tuesday, a
catastrophic earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The full
extent of the damage is still being assessed, but the death toll --
already in the thousands -- is climbing fast.
This is the worst earthquake to hit the area in more than 200
years. Entire communities have been ripped apart and as many as 3
million people have been directly affected, including tens of
thousands of American citizens who are in Haiti.
Our neighbors in Haiti are racing to confront the enormous
devastation -- and this community can help.
Click here for more information about
essential relief efforts and ways you can help
Footage is pouring in of homes collapsing, Haitians carrying
injured family members, and hospitals being overrun in what was
already the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
I have directed my administration to respond with a swift,
coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives. Personnel from
the United States and our partners in the international community
are on the ground in damaged areas right now, working side by side
with the Haitian people. They're providing much-needed food, water,
and sanitation supplies, saving lives and helping local communities
start to rebuild.
Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home,
I encourage those who can to reach out and help. It's in times like
these that we must show the kind of compassion and humanity that
has defined the best of our national character for generations.
Click here to find out what you can do:
As this story continues to unfold, I hope you will continue to keep
the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the
many Haitian-Americans who have done so much to enrich our country
and who are worried about friends and loved ones in this time of
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
王小良和“美国开国元勋与中国”研究 |
(声明:刊用本报图文务经书面授权,注明摘自《侨报周刊》及作者。) |
作者:管黎明 时间:2009-12-14 14:22:07 点击:66次 |

说到中国对早期美国的影响,贸易自然是不能忽略的一个方面。王小良在他的“与中国通商”(With China
We Trade)一文中提到了华盛顿当年对开发中美贸易的关注。
1784年2月,第一艘驶往中国的美国船只——“中国皇后号”(Empress of
种书籍,其中一本便是1691年伦敦出版的《孔子道德学说》(The Morals of
其中一段话特地印在了1737年3月出版的《宾州纪事报》(Pennsylvania Gazette)上,与殖民地的读者分享。
the Morals of
“中国庙宇”(a square “Chinese
疑也会被无数的人注意到。王小良引述一名研究者Kiersten Larsen

An Invitation To Join Us . . .
WHEN: December 12, 2009, Saturday 12:00-3:30PM
WHERE: Monterey Park City Hall Council Chambers
320 West Newmark
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Free and open to the public
RSVP requested: call (310) 825.2974 or email:
UCLA Asian American Studies Center and the Chinese American
Studies Endowment invite the Los Angeles community to join and
participate in an exciting first-ever community roundtable in
Monterey Park, which brings together academic and community leaders
to discuss "The State of Chinese America." The event is part of the
40th anniversary celebration of the Asian American Studies Center
and the other three ethnic studies research centers at UCLA.
Our speakers will help to address the "issues of the day"
including civil rights and the law, Chinese American political
organizing and participation, and the future role of Chinese
Americans and U.S.-China relations.
Speakers will include: Gilbert Hom and Suellen Cheng, the
Chinese American Studies Endowment; Stewart Kwoh, co-founder and
president of the Asian Pacific America Legal Center; L. Ling-chi
Wang, professor emeritus at UC Berkeley; Honorable California
Assembly member Mike Eng of the 49th District; Dr. Tritia Toyota,
adjunct assistant professor at UCLA; and Dr. David Yoo, professor
at Claremont -McKenna College.
Welcome to Our Community Roundtable!
-How can Chinese Americans fully participate - politically and
socially - in today's society?
-Can Chinese Americans make a difference in future U.S-China
-What social, cultural, and political resources do we have to
create a better American society for all?
For the past 40 years, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center
has served the nation through its research, teaching, and the
training of community leaders.
Co-Sponsors: Chinese Historical Society of Southern California;
CAUSE-Center for Asian Americans United for Empowerment; Chinese
American Museum; Chinese American Citizen's Alliance
Dear Chinatownolgists,
This week, we go to China, the cultural homeland of overseas
We are visitng the Temple of Heaven, a major cultural icon that
grace many China made products that were exported all over the
In the article, we will also tell you a "must do" if you want to be
an emperor but we cannot guarantee the success or length of your
reign as you will discover.
Click here:
Happy Reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week, we visit the archway in Bangkok Chinatown.
Archways are a common sight in Chinatowns around the world but the
archway in Bangkok Chinatown is unique in many respects.
It was built for the Thai King's birthday and also have other royal
Click here to find out:
Bangkok Chinatown is also one of the archways featured in our
Chinatownology Archway poll.
If you have not cast your vote, click here to vote:
We will be announcing our results very soon.
Happy Reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
There are many Chinese emperors and they can be referred to by many
This week's article identifies the various ways a Chinese Emperor
can be referred to.
You will of course be pleased to know that we have a choice today
but in the past, using a wrong name can cost you your life.
Click here for story:
Happy Reading
Its the year of the tiger or
année du tigre
We are still in the Chinese New Year
period so we like to share with you 3 stories of Chinese New Year
in Paris.
See how the Chinese in Paris
Chinatown in 13 arrondissement cout down to the new
In the video clips, you can also see
a martial arts performance by Non Chinese
See :
Then of course the tiger arrives and
in Paric Chinatown in 20 arrondissement, you can see fireworks and
lion dance.
Finally, here is how Paris welcome
the Chinese New Year Big Time with a Chinese New Year parade in
Paris City Hall:
Happy new year and Happy
Dear Chinatownologists,
The year of the Tiger will arrive in 3 days time!
As part of our Chinese New Year series, here are reports of 2
Chinatowns getting ready to welcome the Tiger:
Yangon Chinatown:
Singapore Chinatown:
Happy reading and Happy Chinese New Year
Dear Chinatownologists,
Happy New Year. Its the start of a new year so we like to share a
heartwarming story.
This story is set in Vientiane, Laos in a small Chinese temple
along the beach.
A little kitten turns up one day and befriends a little girl there
who has been taking care of the kitten.
If you visit Vientiane, do consider dropping a bag of cat food for
the little girl's freind.
Read our story and see the kitten at:
Happy new year and happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week, we asked if an overthrown Ming emperor had fled to
Nanyang (South East Asia) and if the famous Admiral Cheng Ho
was dispatched to arrest him.
Meanwhile, we have 10 more days before the Chinatown Archway poll
close and we have a tie this time so all other move up one
However, one very special Chinatown's archway has very consistent
results at the bottom!
See the latest results here:
If you disagree or have not voted, you have 10 more days so
Happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week, we present you with a Mazu temple in San Francisco USA, the 8th Mazu temple we have covered so far.
It was founded by Cantonese migrants and is one of the oldest temples in San Francisco.
If you visit the temple and hang around for a while, you will see that devotees to this temple includes Chinese (of course) but also Caucasian.
Here's the link:
Meanwhile, in our last story, Geylang Chinatown poll, 67% of respondents consider Geylang as a Chinatown.
If you have not voted, heres the link:
Happy reading, happy polling
Stop Press
I am very pleased to see the news below that
mainland China Government and people are assisting people in Taiwan
affected by the typhoon disaster. Their effort must be
congratulated. Good to see people in Taiwan and mainland are now
able to help each other in times of need and natural
All-out effort to help Taiwan with typhoon
The Chinese mainland will provide any necessary relief materials
needed by Taiwan people affected by Typhoon Morakot, which struck
the island last weekend, Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party
of China (CPC) Central Committee pledged Saturday.
"We are highly concerned about the disaster rescue and relief
work on the island, and we would like to do anything we can," said
an official with the office.
The office had requested factories to manufacture portable
shelters day and night, and the first batch would arrive in Taiwan
Monday at the soonest, said the official, but he did not say how
many shelters it would comprise.
The confirmed death toll from Typhoon Morakot on the island was
121 people as of 8 a.m. Saturday, but Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou
said Friday it could reach 500 with about 380 more victims in
Kaohsiung's Hsiaolin village.
It was the worst typhoon to hit Taiwan in nearly half a century.
At least 53 people are missing and 45 injured, after Morakot
devastated central and southern parts of the island.
On Friday the mainland office said it was collecting supplies
and donations, as well as preparing to send rescue and health care
teams to the island.
Mainland Red Cross organizations, banks, Buddhist associations
and large companies had donated millions of yuan to help with the
relief work, said the Taiwan Work Office official.
(Xinhua News Agency August 16, 2009)
日期:2009-8-22 来源:新华网
Our sincere congatulations to Gary Locke following his
appointment by Barack Obama as Commerce Secretary of USA. See
details below from 80-20.
He is third Chinese American appointed in President Obama's
Cabinet. We wish them all the best in their career.
Dr Ka Sing CHUA
Gary Locke & Hilda Solis
Dear Chinatownologists,
2 weeks ago, we talked about a deceased Chinatown - Limehouse
Chinatown in UK.
This week, we talk about the birth of a new Chinatown - Geylang
Chinatown - The People's Chinatown.
Of course, the debate continues as some have rejected it as a
We invite you to take a look at this article and then vote if you
consider Geylang as a Chinatown.
Happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
In this week's article, we present you with the story of Overseas
Chinese in Malaysia, part of Malaysia's "Truly Asia".
Meanwhile, we have updated the results of "My favourite
Chinatown archway" poll.
Washington Chinatown's archway has emerged as the most popular
archway after lagging behind as the 2nd or 3rd position.
For that matter, the ranking of all other arches have also
Interestingly, the Chinatown with the least favourite archway is
the only archway whose ranking have remained unchanged throughout
the poll period.
It has managed to stay consistently at the bottom of the
Guess which one it is -
The results are not finalised yet as the poll remains open. So for
those who have note voted, do it before 31 Dec when we close the
poll sealing the fate of the archways.....
To vote:
Happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
The UNESCO has decleared Nanyin as a "Intangible Cultural
Heritage". With such happy news, its great that this week's story
has a Nanyin element.
We take a look at the Mid Autumn celebration in a Hokkien Temple in
Cholon, Ho Chi Minh Chinatown in Vietnam.
Nanyin, Green Lion, Dragon dance, 8 immortals and Lion dance were
part of the celebration.
Heres the link and there is a video clip of Nanyin performance too:
Happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
Mid Autumn Festival is just around the corner. We present you with
two stories:
Yangon Chinatown welcomes Mid Autumn:
See how overseas Chinese in Yangon are preparing to welcome the Mid
Autumn festival.
Mascot moon cakes:
What are mascot moon cakes and what is the most interesting mascot
moon cake?
Happy Reading and happy Mid Autumn
Dear Chinatownologists,
Today's story is about the oldest Buddhist monastery in
Singapore, the Shuang Lin Monastery.
Founded in 1898, it is the first and oldest Chinese Buddhist
Monastery in Singapore and one of the grandest in the region.
The 10th Abbot Venerable Pu Liang was executed by the Japanese
after the fall of Singapore in 1942 and dcumented in a recent book
"Light on the Lotus Hill"
In conjunction with this story, Chinatownologists in Singapore or
those visiting are also invited to a free tour of the monastery on
29 Aug 2009.
Click here for details to reserve your place:
Happy reading and for those who are coming, see you at the
Dear Chinatownologists,
A few weeks ago, the most well travelled Singaporean Mr. Tan Wee
Cheng, shared the history of his father's clan assoication in
On 24 October 2004, the committee members gathered to make an
important decision.
To find out what major decision was made, see:
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week, we visit Vientiane Chinatown in Laos.
Vientine has an old Chinese community whose numbers had been
reduced with the younger generations leaving.
On the other hand, new migrants are coming form PR China. The
inflow has of course created some tensions.
We have also added a flag counter so every visit from a new country
earns us a flag on the website.
Happy reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week, we explore the Romance of the Three Kingdoms giving you
an introduction of this famous and popular legend and
We have included several pictures of sites related to the Three
Kingdoms period.
These sites are now submerged by the waters of the Three Gorges
project so very precious images.
Here is the link:
Last but not least, we thank Chinatownologists for feedback and
We have added a share button for facebook members in this story.for
your easy sharing with friends.
Happy Reading
Dear Chinatownologists,
This week we visit the Chinatown in Amsterdam, Holland.
Amsterdam Chinatown evolved in the 1980s and is considered one of
the youngest Chinatowns.
Yet, despite it "youth", Amsterdam Chinatown is the home
to the largest Chinese Buddhist Monstery in Europe.
Amsterdam Chinatown is the no 16 Chinatown we covered so far with
more to come of course.
You can see the list of Chinatowns here:
Happy reading
2009年10月30日 16:01:56 来源:新华网
新华网华盛顿10月29日电(记者王薇 杨晴川)据美国众议院网站29日报道,美国众议院28日通过决议,纪念孔子诞辰2560周年,认可他为世界哲学和社会政治思想作出的巨大贡献。
Conference: 60 and Beyond - China’s
Modernisation and the Roles of Hong Kong
Jointly organized by SynergyNet,Centre For Comparative And
Public Law, HKU, Civic Exchange and Hong Kong Policy Research
Institute, the captioned event: "60 and Beyond - China’s
Modernisation and the Roles of Hong Kong" is going to be held on 21
Nov with the following details:
Date 日期:21st November 2009 (Saturday) 2009年11月21日 (星期六)
Time 時間:9:00am - 5:30 pm
Place 地點:Rayson Huang Theatre, Hong Kong University 香港大學黃麗松講堂 (Map
| 地圖)
Language 語言:Chinese and English (Cantonese-English Simultaneous
Interpretation provided) 粵語/英語 (設有「粵語 - 英語」即場傳譯)
2010 Premiers
Award NSW
International Advisory Board Welcomes New Member Olivia Ho
Director of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center Appointed,
Professor David K. Yoo
Comments to the 23rd Spring School on Particles and Fields
Report of the
University of California Board of Regents meeting
Opportunity, Assistant Editor, Asian American Studies Center
大陸清華大學校長顧秉林拜會成大校長賴明詔院士 雙方期許在既有合作基礎上,擴大合作事項
Statistical Portrait of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Other
Pacific Islanders
UCLA: Memorial
Tribute to Professor Lucie Cheng to be held at UCLA on Tuesday,
April 20, 2010 from 4-6 p.m. at the UCLA Faculty Center
T3勁旅 揮軍國際 成大賴明詔校長3月率美國高等教育學術訪問團赴美
UCLA: The Passing
of Lucie Cheng, Pioneering Transpacific Scholar
The Rise of
Private Universities in the Republic of Korea (South Korea)
[Civic Exchange
Newsletter 2010.01] Copenhagen is not over...
Democracy-Google's Arrow Across the Bow
Powerpoint Show
on China
Green Taxation in
East Asia: Problems and Prospects
UCLA Alumnae
Dolly M. Gee becomes first Chinese American woman confirmed as a
United States District Court Judge
UK Chinese
challenging anti-Chinese spin
2009.12 - Civic Exchange
要藉助成大與南科經驗 帶領武漢東湖新技術開發區發展
Delegation visiting NCKU and Tainan Science Park
National Cheng
Kung University Hospital (NCKUH) and National Health Research
Institute (NHRI), Taiwan, Sponsored a Virology Laboratory in
Children’s Hospital No. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
fragility a reminder of importance of success in Copenhagen —
UCLA's Amerasia
Journal Releases New Research on Asian American Feminism and
New publication
on Climate Change will be available soon!
State of Chinese
America Program
Transportation Conference on 28-Nov 2009
taken at face value
Pre-COP breakfast briefing on 23-Nov 2009
GREAT Chinese
space scientist Qian Xuesen passed away at 98
扣人心 他說
UCLA Chancellor
Proclaims "Year of Ethnic Studies At UCLA" In Recognition of the
40th Anniversary of UCLA's Renowned Ethnic Studies Research
agenda for Min
Nan Culture Conference in Tainan-Jinmen
Conference on 28-Nov 2009
CISSE 2009 -
Paper Submission Deadline Extended to October 26, 2009.
Transportation Conference on 28-Nov 2009
China celebrates
60 years , 1 October 2009
Around the world
in 4 minutes
UCLA: "40 Years
of Breaking Ground: UCLA Asian American Studies" A Major Exhibit
Opens on October 6,
The 2nd
International Conference on Climate Change 2009
Hungry Ghost salvation ritual @Heng Kang
5 minutes next
Monday could save the world
China's int'l
influence at all-time peak: Singapore expert
Why do Malaysians
UCLA's Global
Professor Min Zhou Appointed to Walter and Shirley Wang Endowed
兩岸中華文化與經營管理學術研討會 兩岸創業精神與創新管理
Publishes 'Presidents Edition' of U.S./China Media Brief
Patriotic Princess / Princess Chang Ping 帝女花
Cheng Cheng-Kung
(Zheng Cheng-Gong) or 鄭成功
Madam White Snake
Center alumna, lecturer, and long-time supporter Dr. Judy Chu
Elected to Congress
[Civic Exchange
Newsletter] - We Need Clean Air
UCLA: Professor
Anna Lau Gains Tenure in Psychology and Asian American
Anna May
Wong Must Die! show highlights now on You Tube
Macroview Weekly
757 2009
The Chinese
Indonesians' dilemma in electing president
Macroview Weekly
756 2009
Welcome to
China's Millinniusm
Whenever you
think that life is unfair, remember this
UCLA Releases
First High School Textbook on Asian Americans: "Untold Civil Rights
160 delegates
attended the energy seminar on June-16
Macroview Weekly
752 2009 宏觀周報--第752期
to both Hu and Wu - even their names rhyme!!!
UCLA: Download
and View New Issue of Crosscurrents, the newsmagazine of the UCLA
Asian American Studies Center
UCLA Asian
American Studies Center To Celebrate Its 40th Anniversary
Earth Day
[Civic Exchange
E-alert] - Energy Seminar no. 10
Rice University
Science Collaboration Across Borders Workshop Logistics
與諾貝爾獎得主比鄰而坐 在成大不是夢
諾貝爾大師 在成大談科學和人生
CPC Official
Visits Australia
Review of the
"Air Pollution Control Ordinance"
Seminar by
Christine Loh on Climate Change
成大醫學院與上海交通大學醫學院 結盟 雙方簽署學生交換計劃協議書,致力提升醫學教育
of France most outstanding scientists, Professor C.
Cohen-Tannoudji.Nobel laureate in physics of 1997, will be visiting
specifically visiting NCKU soon [Chinese]
My research has
walked into American classroom of history class
the Trends for Inspiration
Chinese Stem Cell
Therapy Helps Girl See
Professor Min Zhou Publishes New Book on Contemporary Chinese
Crisis 'can bring
China, US closer' |